Monday, June 24, 2013

First Lecture for PSYC3034 Cognitive Studies III: Cognition & Imagination

The first lecture for Cognitive Studies III: Cognition & Imagination will take place on Wednesday 17 July at 9h00 in OLS1 (Oppenheimer Life Sciences Building).

Please note that, as a result of an error on the part of PIMD, we will have to use two venues for our lectures, as reflected on the timetables posted in the Psychology Department. Specifically, Thursday's lectures have a different venue (U11) to the rest of the week, as follows:
Mondays      14h15-16h00    OLS1
Wednesdays 9h00-9h45        OLS1
Thursdays     10h15-12h00    U11
Fridays         12h30-13h15    OLS1

Please also note that we will be having lectures on Monday afternoons (except for Monday 15 July), usually from 14h15-15h00, but sometimes from 14h15-16h00.

No Prescribed Textbook for PSYC3034

There will be no prescribed textbook for the course this year, as I have not been able to find any single, suitable text to cover the range of topics we will be exploring under the banner of 'Cognition and Imagination.'

A reading pack and details of an e-reading pack will be provided at the start of the course.